Archi 5.3

March 19 2024

This version of Archi supports the ArchiMate® 3.2 specification.

Please uninstall any previous version of Archi before installing this one.

An archive of older versions can be found here.

What’s new in this version?

For a full list of the latest features and fixes see the Version History.


Windows 64-bit Installer

For Windows 64-bit operating systems. This installer application installs Archi to the Windows “Program Files” folder and associates “*.archimate” files with Archi. An uninstaller is also provided.

Windows 64-bit Portable Zip

For Windows 64-bit operating systems. This is a zip file that does not use an installer. An optional batch file is included to register “*.archimate” file associations. Unzip into a clean folder, and then run the “Archi” program file.



Requires macOS 11+. To install, open the dmg file and drag the “Archi” app and documentation files to your “Applications” folder or wherever you want to install it.

macOS Silicon

Requires macOS 11+ and a Silicon Mac. To install, open the dmg file and drag the “Archi” app and documentation files to your “Applications” folder or wherever you want to install it.


Linux 64-bit

To install, un-archive and run the “Archi” program file.

Note – some Linux distributions default to using Wayland. There are a few things that don’t work properly in Archi under Wayland such as drag and drop and some mouse operations. For now, we recommend running Archi in Linux with X Windows (X11 or X Org).



You can verify the authenticity of a download by comparing its SHA-1 checksum with the checksum in the following file:

SHA-1 Checksums


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